What’s the purpose of this website?
The transition into 3D has not been smooth for Sonic: Whereas the original Sonic games were once considered the pinnacle of gaming excellence, new Sonic games struggle to offer even an average quality experience.
Games critics and Sonic fans frequently makes lists of how to improve the Sonic games, but these often consist of flimsy observations such as ‘more speed’ or ‘less characters’. Although such statements highlight the immediate problems of the Sonic series, they offer little guidance as to how developers can overcome these problems.
These comments may also have a negative effect, by encouraging developers to focus just on speed and so neglect the other more subtle elements that were responsible for making the classic games enjoyable to play.
The goal of Sonic Science is deconstruct the classic games to identify and define the exact mechanics that made them video gaming master pieces. By making these mechanics better known, Sonic Science hopes to assist the discussions of both critics and fans, so they can more accurately convey to developers the specific changes that are needed to return Sonic back to his glory days.
Aren’t there too many words?
Although the deconstructions of the classic games have been kept as concise as possible, a through analysis of game play mechanics necessarily requires a sizeable world count. Still, there are several features that will assist with speed reading:
1) Every page has an in brief section. These summarise the main points of the page in a short paragraph.
2) The conclusion section is present at the end of most pages. This summaries the steps developers need to improve the newer games.
3) Videos are used throughout to convey information in a less text-heavy manner.
What are the main problems with the Sonic series?
The nine key problems are listed on this page and also act as a summary of the entire site.
How do I navigate the site?
There are number of ways to navigate the content
Browse it like a book
At the end of every page is a navigation panel that allows you to move forwards and backwards between the sections, just like a book.
Browse it like a website
Links occur throughout the pages allowing the site to be browsed like an ordinary website. The breadcrumbs bar occurs at the top of every page and shows how the current page relates to other sections of the website. This is useful for understanding the context of the page, particularly if you have skipped some pages.
Most pages allow you to join in by posting comments or rating the page.
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